- Content Generation or Subject Knowledge through S P E L T Technique.Content is the cake and it’s very important, in majority of the cases students /participants are not well prepared for different topics well in advance and that’s why they invite rejection depression.
- Once you know the 4-5 different ways to plunge into the discussion. The next one, only subject knowledge for which individual needs to be thorough about the subject with continuous practice only.
S oceity
P olitics
E conomic
L aw
T echnology
- Every GD topic revolves around SPELT techniques. Depending on the topic each area to be prioritizes and blended with literature and facts n figures. Maximum 2-3 areas being formatted for discussion while giving individual views or opinion in a GD. All kinds of information and knowledge gathered from News Paper, Magazine, News Channel, different blog and from different types intellectual or formal discussions.
- All these to be done 2-3 months before campus or selection process. The only things will take you to the next level is practice, practice and practice. After knowing the GD topics (Evergreen, Latest, Case based, Abstract or any other). Always understand both implication and application of the subject knowledge.
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