FOUR ways to enter into Discussion (Identify the way to enter the discussion).
- Enter the troughs
- Enter a person has made his points
- Enter with a supportive statement
- Enter by increasing volume
SIX ways to make a Meaningful Impact (MI):
- Generate supportive data
- Be an active listener
- Be assertive not aggressive
- Make friends not foes
- Speak clearly, speak sense, and also let others speak
- Quality of content
FOUR ways Entry strategies:
- Identify the way to enter the discussion. It becomes difficult for most to get a chance to speak where number of people involved and such a situation is highly likely to prevail during the actual GD that you participate in.
- Guidelines to show how you could interject in a loud GD:
- Enter the troughs:
Every GD has its highs and lows. Wait for the lows, and time your interjection then.
It has been observed in some GDs where if one waits for the lows he/she would never speak.
- Enter a person has made his points:
- If you interject when someone else has just begun speaking.it is unlikely that he will let you have your way and vice-versa.
- Don’t wait too long or you may lose the opportunity. Remember, there are only few minutes that you have.
- Enter with a supportive statement:
- A useful way of starting of starting your interjection is by supporting a point that has just been made.
- People will let you speak if they think if you agree with them or if you praise them.
- Enter by increasing volume:
- The most natural way of entering when you find that others are not listening is to raise your voice. This may not be the smartest way of interjecting.
- You must be as loud as situation demands.
- Identify silent members; invite them as time permits and if you have made an impact.
SIX ways to make a meaningful impact:
1) Generate supportive data:
- Use facts and illustrations in the GD to add value.
- Facts with some sort of inference or conclusions that can be drawn from it.
2) Be an active listener:
- Carefully listen to others contributions to avoid pitfalls.it is very important to listen as it will benefit you in the following ways.
- Preventing you from speaking something already said.
- Help you take the discussion from where another participant has left off.
- Help you understand a topic of which you were ignorant, before the first speaker defined it.
3) Be assertive not aggressive:
- Truth is those successful managers are assertive. they are not aggressive.
- Do not get emotionally involved in the arguments.
- Do not take it as a personal affront if others disagree with you.
4) Make friends not foes:
- Make friends to ensure that your arguments get a positive response from the group.
- Building friends means getting people on your side and ensuring that they are receptive to your arguments.
- Use the time you spend before an interview effectively by making friends with others.
- Establish eye contact with all members of the group when you speak.
5) Speak clearly, speak sense, and also let others speak:
- Voice should be audible and clear and that you are speaking at the correct pace-neither too fast nor too slow.
- Listen others, let them speak and are not too aggressive, however this does not mean that you should only let others speak. You must let them speak and also speak yourself.
6) Quality of content:
- The quality of what you have said and the impact it has had on the group is what that counts.
- Influence the group by providing it direction by highlighting the crucial issues and putting forth persuasive and cogent arguments.