- ACTIVITY BASED: Questions Generating Technique -QGT
- Starting formation of normal questions in your mind initially. It could be from the books or beyond.
- Do it on regular basis. It will help you infinite your THINK TANK as well as you understands the question pattern. Nothing is set for the interviewer. Basically they ask random questions. So, initially create a question bank individually and thereafter with collective team activity.
- You may feel it is difficult but trust me it is 100% possible. Everything depends in your practice.
- At least initially try to generate 10-15 questions in 60 second. Sometimes it will be very difficult for an individual to comply.
- Do this QB (Question Bank) exercise on a regular basis with your friends or practice in a group.
- If you are generating 30 Questions in 120 seconds, it signifies your ability to perform well.
- It a trusted yard stick which has been tried with more than 2000 students.
- Give a try and initially compete with generating questions based formula.
- Believe me; it can exceed more than “65 Q” in 120 seconds. It has been proved and acknowledged in the past.
- If you can break the record than meet me or call me for “QB Competition”.
- First generate questions thereafter think of answering it. How to answer 10 different types of Questions, it will be discussed later on.
- Questions should be related to SECTION : A , B & C
- Watch the video and follow accordingly for a sure SUCCESS>
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