FOUR General Rules of GD Personality Knowledge Experience Communication skill General rules for GD Don’t be surprised if the panel throws a basketball at your group and ask them to play a game for 20…
FOUR General Rules of GD Personality Knowledge Experience Communication skill General rules for GD Don’t be surprised if the panel throws a basketball at your group and ask them to play a game for 20…
7 Prerequisites of GD Knowledge Listening Presentation Initiation Body language Communication skills. Co operation Knowledge This is very important prerequisite. The GD assesses the personality traits of an individual, including the intellectual and dynamic qualities….
Dos and Don’ts of a GD: ELEVEN Do’s of a GD. Listen to others.it is not necessary to initiate a GD. Initiate the discussion if you are familiar with the topic. Intervene if the discussion…
In this lesson, we shall cover the following matters- Know-how of Group Discussion(GD) 8 Personality Skills Judges during GD 7 Myths regarding GD What is GD ? A Group Discussion is a normal conversation among…
Importance of “SOFT SKILLS” along with Domain/Subject Knowledge What Job Skills you will need by 2020 or more in 5 years’ time according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).Top ones is Complex Problem Solving (CPS)…